Thursday 29 April 2010

ggplot2 background colour

changing the background colour of a ggplot - run this, then rerun plot

> th = theme_bw()
> th$panel.background
theme_rect(fill = "white", colour = NA)
> th$panel.background = theme_rect(fill = "black", colour = NA)
> theme_set(th)

Thursday 15 April 2010

Zend Soap Client exception

If Zend_Soap_Client is giving you an "Invalid SOAP request" and you don't know why, try adding "$client->setSoapVersion(SOAP_1_1);".

The error I was getting:

Invalid SOAP request
stack trace

* at ()
in C:\xampplite\php\PEAR\Zend\Soap\Client.php line 1113 ...
1110. $this->_preProcessArguments($arguments),
1111. null, /* Options are already set to the SOAP client object */
1112. (count($soapHeaders) > 0)? $soapHeaders : null,
1113. $this->_soapOutputHeaders);
1115. // Reset non-permanent input headers
1116. $this->_soapInputHeaders = array();

Thanks to Mark Steudel's comment at the zend soap client page